Shoplifting is a very common crime, many people do it. Why do people shoplift though? There are many different reasons.
To the right is a picture of Winona Ryder who was caught shoplifting over $5000 worth of items in 2001. But what brings a wealthy celebrity like her to steal? Well it certainly isn't a lack of money. Perhaps it is the buzz they recieve from doing it. Or maybe she didn't want to lose any of her wealth and spend her money.
There are numerous celebrities who have stolen in the past, some examples being Adam Rickitts and Jennifer Capriati.

Shoplifting can be made to have a comedic value. For example it is shown to be funny in an episode of Family Guy. Family Guy often has a habit of taking bad things and make them amusing in some way. In this particular episode we see that Lois steals from a shop once and it gives her a thrill. It is almost like from then on she then develops obsessive compulsive disorder to steal. This could be another factor as to why people steal, because they need to.
Some people may say that glorifying stealing in such things like Family Guy may cause people, especially youths to go out and steal thinking it is ok, but I say you just have to take it with a pinch of salt.
Occasionally times are perfect for criminals. The chaos in Haiti after the recent earthquake has meant that criminals are able to shoplift far more easily. Looting is a big problem in third world countries. Maybe not all the looters are criminals though, a lot of the poorer people will take this opportunity to gain some amenities for themselves. I believe some people steal because they have no money and need to, to be able to survive.
This link takes you to a story of a priest who has actually been encouraging shoplifting. This is almost like a Robin Hood scenario, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Is he right to be saying this when the Bible clearly states that "Thou Shalt Not Steal"? Most people will formulate their own opinions, in mine I don't think shoplifting will ever be necessary, it is a crime, and although it might seem like an attraction at the time, when you get caught everything will go swiftly downhill.
Some good points here Craig. I think it's interesting how you have given various explanations as to why people shoplift.
ReplyDeleteWith regards to looting in Haiti, you could have suggested that it is due to survival. As many were taking items such as food and drink. However there is also what is regarded as 'opportunistic theft' in which people take items of value that they couldn't previously obtain.
Overall an insightful post though.