What is considered as bad cinema? Sex, drugs, violence, swearing. All these things can add towards bad cinema. Years and years ago films used to have higher age ratings on if they contained any of these things, but nowadays people aren't so offended by swearing, or aren't so shocked by sex and drugs in film so age ratings seem to be lower. But is this right?
One film which contains swearing, occasional violence, drugs and scenes of a sexual nature would be Harold and Kumar get the munchies. This film is a comedy which is probably why these things are taken in such a light hearted manner. The age rating for this film is 15, but should it be higher? Surely it is encouraging the younger generation to smoke, swear etc. Most people won't take any notice and just remember that it is a fictional film, but some youths will copy.
It doesn't always matter what the age rating is on films in a way because when they come out on dvd younger people can watch them. I remember watching scream when I was around 12 years old and it was an age rating of 18.
Never Back Down is a film based on karate kid but a lot more violent. This film contains extremely violent scenes. There aren't any drug references or scenes involving swearing or of a sexual nature really, so maybe this an example of a film which is suitable for ages 15 and above, although long ago it most likely would have been rated 18.

The Exorcist was banned in the cinema years ago. It has always been rated 18, but even adults were leaving the cinema because they found the film too much to handle. But nowadays people would still get scared but not to that extent. There was a cut version brought out on tape which cut really scary bits out, but now the uncut version is the only version you can get.
Bad cinema? Is there such thing really? Especially these days when kids are growing up younger and younger. Most kids are watching 15 and 18 rating films by the time they are 12. There is no way anybody can stop this, unless dvd's are stopped which will never happen. Maybe kids are growing up to fast, but everybody needs to be educated at some point.
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