As far as we know the practice of tattooing has been going since about the 5th century bc in the Neolithic times. Otzi the Iceman was found in the Otz valley of the alps with approximately 57 carbon tattoos. Since then people have been tattooed be it because it is part of their culture or just because they want them for look. Tattoos seemed to take a decline in Britain in the 19th and early 20th century, but recently a lot more people are seeking to have them. Many famous role models have tattoos which could be why people are getting more and more.
One example of a role model heavily tattooed would be David Beckham. Many people thought his tattoos were brilliant so sought to copy his tattoos or just get some individual ones of their own. Other role models with tattoos would be Eminem, 50 cent and there are many football players such as Craig Bellamy and Jermaine Jenas.
Many religions frown upon tattoos. Islam and Judaism especially, it is forbidden to modify your body in these religions. It is also frowned upon in Christianity but not forbidden.

To the left is a picture of the most tattooed man in the world.
In many tribes around the world they get tattooed as part of a tribal procedure. In Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand they have a tattoo called a yantra tattoo which protects them against evil, and also many of the Maori tribe have tattoos.
There are up sides and down sides to having tattoos, some of the down sides are that it is quite painful, can cause injury and sometimes even death. Tattooists have to be very careful with the needles they use and if they are not completely sterile, or they use a needle which has previously been used on another person then this can cause complication via infection, or possibly even death. Click the link for a story on a death because of a tattoo. http://tattoo.about.com/b/2003/08/10/in-the-news-another-death-blamed-on-tattoo.htm
Are tattoos really being bad though. People are free to do whatever they like to their own bodies, when done right they are a work of art. But there is always a risk to be taken when having one.
Yes tattooing are more and more on the market this days. But just as your blog states it people should really be careful with this as it can be harmful. Some other does it for fan, religious belief and other just for a love one’s by write they husband or wife’ s name. for example this glamour’s celebrity Katie P. who try to rob her ex husband's name with no success as tattoo are permanent; for life, people should really think twice about it. Or in another blog someone wrote about a woman who also tattooed all her body but now could not return to her home land to visit her family because people will murmur. As Christian, we also believe that our body is our LORD temple and this should be honoured. Even tattooing is highly reputed that does not mean people should just do it because it is not everything that we see on the television that we shall copy. I thing having a whole body tattooed is absurd. Although, having one or two could also be appreciated. Unsterilized needles could lead to Aids infection and death.