In 2009 it was revealed that a 15 year old girl had a baby with a 13 year old boy. This young boy was to be the youngest father in Britain. Such an accolade. It turns out that the baby wasn't this young lad named Alfie's child anyway. You may think oh that's not too bad then, but it turns out the real dad was still only 14. Click here for the full story.
Some people may say that schools need to educate better to prevent against youngsters having children. People need to start living their lives. When a child comes then you have to become more responsible, you lose a lot of your social life etc.
Having children at an early age can also be disastrous for the child because if the parents aren't ready to cope this can leave the child having a bad upbringing, or could lead to the child being placed into care and put up for adoption.
Jamie Lynn Spears (pictured above) who is Britney Spears' younger sister announced that she was pregnant when she was just 16 years old.
Ann Dunham was 18 y

I totally agree with what you said about many teenager becoming parents and the reasons behind many don't use protection.Lets face it if the goverment are going to keep helping towards teeanage pregnancys and giving them money and grants for having a child for prams and clothes etc.Then why should they try to get a job or go down the education route when help and money is givin to them on a plate.When I left school many of my friends I knew had babys and are now havernt got a job and live in a concil house on people taxes.I think its just unfair really when many other teenagers try to get on in the right way and dont suceed.