When hearing the word hooliganism the first thing that would pop into most peoples head's is football. Hooliganism is widely associated with the game of football because there are people who go to matches just to end up in a fight. A man appeared on Jeremy Kyle talking about being a football hooligan and he seemed to have very few morals. Even when he was confronted by the mother of a child who was killed just to violence at a football match he showed no remorse for his actions and said he would carry on doing what he does.
Click here to read a story about a young girl who became the youngest football hooligan at only 15 years old.
Hooliganism is a crazy thing to be involved in, but if people want to destroy themselves they should go right ahead. The worst thing though is when they destroy other people's property or end up hurting an innocent person who never wanted to get involved, unfortunately this happens far too often.

This is a picture of a policeman caught in a fire in the Greek riots of 2001.
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